Bible Lesson for Sunday 7/26
Gospel Project: Unit 23, Lesson 4 Story Point: Jesus taught people not to worry because God provides for our needs. PRESCHOOL Read: Luke 12 Video: Song: Ask: (pick the questions that work for your kids) 1. What were the people who followed Jesus worrying about? (Money, possessions, food, clothing) 2. Who feeds the birds? (God) 3. Who dresses the flowers? (God) 4. Who can we ask to give us all we need? (God) 5. Where does treasure last forever? (In heaven) 6. What did Jesus teach when He was on earth? (Jesus taught about God and His kingdom.) ELEMENTARY Read: Luke 12 Videos: Songs: Ask: (pick the questions that work for your kids) Younger Elementary: 1. What happened to the rich man who stored up his possessions? (He didn’t get to use them because he died, Luke 12:20) 2. What did Jesus say about the birds? (They don’t plant or harvest food, but God feeds them; Luke 12:24) 3. What treasure did Jesus tell people to seek? (The kingdom of God; heavenly treasure; Luke 12:31-33) 4. What does “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” mean? (Guide kids to see that when we value something a lot, we think about it. Whatever we treasure most, we will spend our time and energy trying to get or protect. Help them see that greed distracts us from loving God and obeying His commands to be generous.) 5. What do you think treasure in heaven will be like? (Talk to the kids about what they think. Encourage them to be honest. Gently guide them away from the traditional ideas of gold, silver, or jewels. Help them see that heavenly treasure has more to do with enjoying God’s perfection and living in a perfect, restored world.) 6. How can we avoid greed and selfishness? (Help kids understand that to overcome greed we must understand Jesus’ generosity displayed on the cross. As we better understand the extravagant generosity of Christ, our love for Him will move us to show generosity as Jesus did.) Older Elementary: 1. In what ways has God been generous toward you and your family? (Guide kids to recognize ways God has provided for their family—physically and spiritually. Steer kids away from bragging about any possessions or wealth they may have. Point out ways God provides by giving us friends, neighbors, and teachers. Acknowledge His greatest provision, Jesus. (Option: Choose a volunteer to read Isa. 30:18.)) 2. How can we fight against greed? (Lead kids to recognize that we can fight greed by humbly relying on God and giving generously. We can ask God for what we need and trust that He will answer and provide in the way that is best for us. We can pray for the Holy Spirit’s help in seeking God’s kingdom first. (Option: Choose a volunteer to read James 4:1-2.)) 3. Share about a time you were selfish or felt tempted to act selfishly. How can generosity lead others to Jesus? (Invite kids to share their experiences. Point out that the world teaches that we should look out for ourselves. In Jesus’ kingdom, the opposite is true. We can put others first because God meets all of our needs. When believers live generously, others may ask why and we can share how God has been generous to us by providing eternal life through Jesus (Option: Choose a volunteer to read 1 Cor. 10:24.)) Monthly Memory Verse and Question Memory Verse: John 14:25-26 "I have spoken these things to you while I remain with you. But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and remind you of everything I have told you." (CSB) Big Picture Question: What did Jesus teach when He was on earth? Jesus taught about God and His kingdom. He taught that all Scripture is about Him. ***If you would like to receive the activity pages that correspond to each lesson, let me know via email!
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Gospel Project: Unit 23, Lesson 3
Story Point: Jesus taught people how to pray. PRESCHOOL Read: Luke 11; 18 Video: Song: Ask: (pick the questions that work for your kids) 1. What did the disciples ask Jesus to teach them? (Jesus taught people how to pray.) 2. Can we call God our Father? (Yes!) 3. Is it OK to ask God for what we need? (Yes, we can ask God for everything we need.) 4. Will God ignore us or give us bad gifts? (No, He will always do what is right.) 5. What did Jesus teach when He was on earth? (Jesus taught about God and His kingdom). ELEMENTARY Read: Luke 11;18 Videos: Songs: Ask: (pick the questions that work for your kids) Younger Elementary: 1. Why did Jesus say the friend would help his neighbor even late at night? (His neighbor asked boldly, Luke 11:8) 2. What did Jesus say a father would not give his son? (a snake, a scorpion; Luke 11:11-12) 3. Why did the unjust judge do the right thing for the widow? (She kept asking, Luke 18:4-5) 4. How do these parables encourage us to pray? Guide kids to see that in each case, the person being asked was a sinner and still did the right thing. Jesus wanted people to see that because God is much greater than people, He can be trusted to hear our prayers and respond in the perfect way. 5. Can you think of a time you prayed for something specific? What happened? Guide kids to provide specific examples from their lives. Do not allow any kids to shame kids for asking for things that may seem silly or unimportant. Encourage kids to discuss honestly if they got the answer they wanted and how they knew. 6. What are some things you are praying about now? Encourage kids to share their requests with the group if they want to. Write them down. Offer time for the kids to pray for one another. Close the time by thanking God for always doing what is best. Challenge the kids to pray for one another throughout the week. Older Elementary: 1. Will God always give us what we ask for when we pray? Lead kids to recognize that the Bible says God gives us what we ask for when we ask according to His will, or His plan. Sometimes God does not give us what we ask for because we ask for wrong things or for wrong reasons, or because He has a better plan for us. We can trust that God is good and loving, and we can count on Him to do what is right.) 2. Why do we pray? Remind kids that prayer is how we talk to God. We can praise Him, confess our sins, thank Him, and ask for help. Prayer shows our dependence on God and our trust in Him.) 3. What can you do when you aren't sure what to pray? (Encourage kids to think of prayer like having a conversation with a friend at the lunch table. We can share our feelings and our thoughts. God knows our hearts and is happy to hear from us. Our prayers don’t need to be long or eloquent. Remind kids that the Holy Spirit helps us when we pray.) Monthly Memory Verse and Question Memory Verse: John 14:25-26 "I have spoken these things to you while I remain with you. But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and remind you of everything I have told you." (CSB) Big Picture Question: What did Jesus teach when He was on earth? Jesus taught about God and His kingdom. He taught that all Scripture is about Him ***If you would like to receive the activity pages that correspond to each lesson, let me know via email! Children Minister Ms. Valerie. Gospel Project: Unit 23, Lesson 2
Story Point: Following Jesus is not easy, but He is worth it. PRESCHOOL Read: Matthew 8,16; Luke 9,14 Video: Song: Ask: (pick the questions that work for your kids) 1. Did many people want to follow Jesus? (yes) 2. Did Jesus teach that following Him is easy? (No, Jesus taught that following Him is not easy.) 3. Why would Jesus teach that following Him is not easy? (He wanted people to think and choose carefully.) 4. Is following Jesus worth it? (Yes! Always.) 5. What did Jesus promise to those who give up everything to follow Him? (Life with God forever) ELEMENTARY Read: Matthew 8,16; Luke 9,14 Videos: Songs: Ask: (pick the questions that work for your kids) Younger Elementary: 1. Jesus said the Son of Man has no place to what? (Lay His head, Matt 8:20) 2. What did Jesus say a person must take up to follow Him? (His cross, Matt. 16:24) 3. What did Jesus say about a king going to war? (He must consider whether his army can win; Luke 14:31) 4. Why do you think we must be willing to give up our family and even our life to follow Jesus? (Jesus is the most important. If we truly love our families, we will want to put Jesus first so that we can help them see that He is best for them. If we love anything, even families or other good things, more than we love Jesus, those things have become idols.) 5. What are some ways you might suffer for Jesus' sake? (Discuss what can happen if kids stand up for what's right against friends or other kids at school. Discuss missionaries who move away from home. Talk about places where Christians are not allowed to worship God and might be arrested or killed for their faith.) 6. What do we gain by following Jesus? (Help kids think about the rewards we have through Jesus, both in this life and the next. Remind them that Jesus gives us peace, love, joy, and wisdom. Help them see that no matter what hard situations we face now, someday we will rule with Jesus when He returns.) Older Elementary: 1. What do you think Jesus mean when He said that anyone who is unwilling to suffer cannot be His disciple? (Jesus later told His disciples that because the world had persecuted Him, they would be persecuted. Believers should expect to suffer in a fallen world. We can endure suffering, fixing our eyes on Jesus and looking forward to eternity with Him. Read John 15:18-20) 2. Why is it important to understand the cost of following Jesus? (Following Jesus without understanding the cost may make it difficult to persevere in trials. Though Jesus does not offer us an easy life, He offers us Himself. He is better than anything the world offers.) 3. How can we encourage others who aren't sure if following Jesus is worth it? (Prompt kids to consider the importance of praying for others. The Holy Spirit gives us strength to follow Jesus. Kids can also point others to Jesus, remembering that suffering is temporary and one day Jesus will make all things right.) Monthly Memory Verse and Question Memory Verse: John 14:25-26 "I have spoken these things to you while I remain with you. But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and remind you of everything I have told you." (CSB) Big Picture Question: What did Jesus teach when He was on earth? Jesus taught about God and His kingdom. He taught that all Scripture is about Him. ***If you would like to receive the activity pages that correspond to each lesson, let me know via email! Children Minister Ms. Valerie. |
ENGLISH : 9:30am
MANDARIN : 11:00am |