About Us
Welcome to Plano Chinese Alliance Church! We are part of the Christian and Missionary Alliance, committed to fulfilling the Great Commission. We are a community of predominantly Chinese Christians who live in the immediate area of Plano, Texas and its surrounding cities.
We have a Mandarin and English-speaking congregation, all eternally tied together by our relationship in Christ Jesus. The Mandarin-speaking congregation consists of Chinese adults and young adults who work and live in the Dallas-Fort-Worth area. The English-speaking ministry includes children, youth, college students, and adults, most of whom grew up in America as first or second generation Asian-Americans. Our church family is blessed to include Texan folk as well as individuals from around the nation and the world. Plano is one of the fastest growing cities in the United States and boasts one of the safest environments and best school systems in the nation. Many people continue to move into this city, though not all have heard a clear presentation of the gospel. |
Our Mission & Vision
In response to the Great Commission of our Lord Jesus Christ, our mission is “We are to be a Christ-centered, Acts 1:8 family”, i.e., we will be his witnesses locally, globally, and to the ends of the earth. Through several months of C&MA PEAK training led by our transitional pastor and church leaders, with inputs from church members, we have derived our church vision together, which is to “Practice Christ-like Attitude and Character (‘PCAC’) by executing the following strategies: Praise and pray, Care and connect, Abide and align, Commit and coach (‘PCAC’)”. We desire to introduce people to Jesus, to see them flourish spiritually, and to see them mature in the faith by God’s power and for His glory.