PCAC Online Giving
To make online donations to PCAC, use your phone or computer to visit: https://giving.pcactexas.org
We recommend using the ACH payment method for most donations.
To make online donations to PCAC, use your phone or computer to visit: https://giving.pcactexas.org
We recommend using the ACH payment method for most donations.
Frequently Asked Questions
When can I donate online?
Online donations may be made any time or day 24/7. This is especially convenient if you are travelling away from church, or would like to make a donation during the week. Online donations by debit card number complete the same day. Online donations by ACH take about 5 days to process which is similar to a paper check.
Is there a fee to donate online?
Donations by ACH (recommended) incur a processing fee of only 25-cents. Donations by debit/credit card are charged by our payment processor a fee of 30-cents plus 2.15% of the total donation. For debit/credit card donations, the fee is shown to you at checkout, and you are asked to add that to your donation.
What is the ACH payment method?
Payment by ACH is the electronic equivalent of writing a paper check. Payments are verified by banks using the Automated Clearing House (ACH) which is the same system used for direct deposit by employers and many other financial transactions. For regular donations to church, we recommend payment by ACH as it results in the lowest transaction fee (only 25-cents per donation). The information needed for ACH donations is the same as what appears on a paper check (your name, account number, and bank routing number). Donation by ACH does require an initial setup step where you verify that it is okay to make donations to PCAC. See below for details on verifying your bank account.
Can I donate by credit card?
Events which use online registration (such as VBS and church retreat) can be paid by credit card. We prefer that donations be made by ACH to avoid extra processing fees ($0.30 plus 2.15% for each credit/debit card donation). For convenience of one-time donations and end-of-year giving, credit card donations are allowed.
Is my bank account information private?
Only your bank account number and your bank’s routing number are used to make donations. There is no access to your bank account balance or other information. PCAC uses ChurchCenter.com to provide its online donation service. PCAC sees only the last four digits of your bank account number. ChurchCenter does not itself store any account information, but your account number is held securely by Stripe.com which is used for processing payments. Stripe.com is required by law to comply with PCI and other financial security standards.
Who can see my donation information at PCAC?
At PCAC, two people are appointed as part of the church finance team to review and record online donations. Only they can see information about individual donors or donations, and they are responsible to treat donor information with utmost discretion. For weekly and monthly financial reports, access to individual donor or donation information is not usually viewed as only the summary information provided by Church Center is necessary. Your bank or card account information are never visible to PCAC.
What if I have a question about a donation?
If you have a question or have made a mistake in a donation, please contact the church office or email [email protected]. Donations made by SMS text message can be cancelled and re-entered within a few hours by following the reply instructions.
How do I give to multiple funds?
Select the fund from the dropdown list and enter the amount for that fund. Click “Add donation” to make an additional donation to another ministry fund in the same transaction.
Will I receive a giving statement for my taxes?
You will receive receipts by email for each online donation unless you disable that feature. At the end of the year, PCAC will email you a giving statement summarizing all of your online donations. If you also made donations in person by cash or check, you will also receive a separate printed giving statement of your traditional donations.
(For ACH payments) How do I verify my bank account for instantly?
Donations by ACH require verification to authorize Church Center to make payments from your bank account to our church. Click the button to “Instantly verify your account.” You will need to login to your Online Banking account. Only your bank account number and routing number are shared. After verification, you will be able to make your first donation right away.
(For ACH payments) How do I verify my bank account manually?
You will just need your bank account number and your bank’s routing number (both numbers appear on the bottom of your paper checks). After entering that information, you will receive more instructions on screen and by email. Within 1-2 days, you will receive two small deposits into your bank account from pcactexas.org. Once you see those deposits show up, log back into https://giving.pcactexas.org and go to your account information. Click the Verify button, and you will be asked to enter the two amounts of the test deposits. Once you enter the correct two amounts, your account is verified, and you may make your first donation by ACH.
Can I donate from my phone?
There are three ways you can donate directly from your phone: 1) you can browse to PCAC’s giving page, 2) you may install and use the ChurchCenter app, or 3) by sending a text message.
Donating by text message is very convenient and uses your previously setup payment method. We recommend you first setup and make a donation by ACH payment. To donate by text message, you must have a mobile phone number setup for your giving account, and you may then make donations by texting to phone number 84321 a simple message like “100 to general, 75 to missions”. Note the comma is required to separate donations to different funds. You will receive an instant confirmation by text message which allows you to cancel any errors. You will also receive email receipts. Your account information is never asked for or transferred by text message or email.