Each week, we want to provide you with resources that you can use to worship with your kids at home. Our kids are currently meeting in person for 1st hour family worship, but we'll continue to send out their weekly lessons so that you can help them stay connected to what they've learned throughout the week!
HOW DO WE WORSHIP AT HOME? Family worship is as simple as gathering your family to:
Read. Go through the Bible passage together as a family. Play the lesson video (links below). Ask your kids appropriate level follow up questions. Sing. Sing the selected worship songs provided for your children below, or any praise song your family enjoys to sing to Jesus!
Pray. Share prayer requests and pray together. You can read, sing, and pray in ANY ORDER. Just keep it short and fun!
Discussion: (pick the questions that work for your kids) Younger Elementary:
1. The Israelites refused to enter the promised land; what did that show about their faith? (Guide kids to discuss the lack of faith shown by Israel. Ask the kids to think about all the ways God had proven His trustworthiness to His people and then form a conclusion about whether it made sense for them to doubt Him.)
2. What does faithful obedience to God look like for Christians today? (Discuss the kind of spiritual battles we face daily. Remind kids that, in Christ, we can experience true joy and peace. For us, faithful obedience doesn’t mean conquering a land, but it does mean “taking ground” for the gospel by sharing the good news of Jesus, honoring God with the choices we make, and loving other people.)
3. What fears do you experience, and how have they prevented you from obeying God? (Be prepared to share examples from your own life. Encourage kids to be honest, and remind them that the group is a safe place to share their thoughts and feelings. If a kid discloses abuse or neglect, always report it to the proper authorities and your ministry leaders, according to the laws where you live and the policies in place in your ministry.)
Older Elementary:
1. How did God punish the Israelites for not trusting Him? (Guide kids to discuss how God made the Israelites wander in the wilderness. The people who refused to obey God would never enter the promised land. Instead, they would die in the wilderness during the next 40 years. Because of their trust in God’s promise, Joshua and Caleb would be allowed to enter the promised land. Option: Choose a volunteer to read Num. 14:30-31.)
2. How does Joshua remind us of Jesus? (Guide kids to recall that Joshua and Caleb trusted God. God planned for Joshua to lead the next generation of Israelites into the promised land. Joshua was not perfect, but His faithfulness reminds us of Jesus, who is perfect. Jesus obeyed the Father and trusted His plan to save people from their sins. Option: Choose a volunteer to read Deut. 28:1-2.)
3. How might our beliefs about God affect how we react in hard times? (Prompt kids to discuss what the Israelites believed about God. What did Joshua and Caleb believe about God? Point out that Joshua and Caleb understood that obeying God was always the right choice. It can be hard for us to know how to make the right choice sometimes, especially when other people are making wrong choices. Remind kids that when we are afraid or have doubt, we can always pray and ask God for help to follow and obey Him. Option: Choose a volunteer to read Prov. 3:5-6.)
Monthly Memory Verse and Question Memory Verse: Exodus 15:11 Lord, who is like you among the gods? Who is like you, glorious in holiness, revered with praises, performing wonders? (CSB)
Big Picture Question: What is God like? God is holy, good, and loving.